Nelson Yiannakou
Nelson Yiannakou
Nelson Yiannakou
Nelson Yiannakou is the AML/CTF Compliance Officer for Australia and New Zealand and the Regional MLRO for Revolut’s Asia Pacific entities, which include Singapore, Japan, forthcoming India expansion and Revolut’s LiteApp country expansion (12 countries so far). Nelson joined Revolut in late 2019 and has been instrumental in the development and strengthening of Revolut’s AML and Financial Crime compliance globally.
Nelson is passionate about educating consumers, preventing and combating financial crime. He is responsible for ensuring Revolut’s fincrime capabilities remain informed and up to date with local Asia Pacific compliance requirements whilst bringing Revolut’s best practice global capabilities to the Asia Pacific region.
Revolut is headquartered in the UK and since launching in 2015 has grown to become one of the largest fintech companies in the world with over 40 million sign ups and some 2 million app downloads per month globally. Revolut gives consumers and businesses the power to spend, invest and transfer money without sky high fees and is building the world’s first truly global financial super app to help people get more from their money
26-Nov-2024Main StageThe Evolution of Scam Intervention Strategies